Lets go over a series of steps to setup AWS Autoscaling. Please refer here for a complete tutorial
Custom AMI
AMI refers to Amazon Machine Image and we can create a custom AMI from an existing instance where our required softwares are installed. Create it from EC2 instances page.
Give a name and create:
You can view the AMIs
from the left menu or selecting My AMIs
while launching a new Image.
Load Balancer
Select Load Balancer
from left menu and click on Create Load Balancer
Select Application Loadbalancer
Next screen, add name, port and VPC details. Select Joan VPC and select both subnets we have. Click Next
and Next
Create an new Security Group for the load balancer in next page and click Next
Create a target group in next page, use the same port and add a health check api details if necessary. Then click Next
Next page, add the instances as Registered Targets and click Review
and then Create
Enable Stickiness
Lets enable stickiness so that Load balancer routes the request from same user to same instance. Click on Target Groups
. and open the target group.
Click on Edit
next to Attributes, check the Stickiness and click “Save Changes”
Auto Scaling
Launch Configuration
Goto left menu in EC2 dashboard and select Launch Configuration
. Then click "Create a launch configuration"
. You can create Launch templates, but here we will create Launch configuration itself.
Click on Advanced Details
for docker container startup information. add the bash terminal commands
Select existing ec2 security group
Choose existing ec2 keypair and click Create launch configuration
and Launch cofiguration would be created
Auto Scaling Group
Goto Ec2 dashboard and click on Auto Scaling Groups
on left Menu. The click "Create an Auto Scaling group"
. Click on Switch to launch configuration
Enter name and select launch configuration, click Next
Next page, select early created VPC and select both subnets so that the traffic would be routed to both of them
Enable Load balancing
in next page and select previously created appropriate target group
. then click Next
Next page, specify the grouping size
Next page, you may add a Notification or Skip it. After review, click Create Auto Scaling Group
The Auto Scaling Group is now created
You can see the instance details from Instance Management
Click on Target Groups and open Targets
in the desired target group. You can see the instances
Click on the Load Balancers
from left menu and open the desired load balancer. Then use the DNS name to access the application.